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Music Performance


come and sing



On 11, 12 and 17 October 2023, Tees Valley Music Service hosted Royal Opera House at TVMS, Acklam Green Centre and The Dolphin Centre (respectively). Between 9am and 3pm, around 100 teachers primarily from KS1 and KS2 settings - but also EYFS, SEND, PMLD, Secondary and Music Service colleagues - came together to explore Create & Sing: The Magic Flute by the Royal Opera House. 


If you missed the CPD and would like a bespoke visit from Tees Valley Music Service,

of if you would like a "refresher" CPD - please get in touch at


During the weeks commencing 27th November 2023 and 12th February 2024 Royal Opera House staff delivered storytelling workshops to over 1200 children from around 40 schools in the Tees Valley. Meanwhile, interactive digital lessons were also available for schools to sign up to, to introduce opera in a fun and accessible way from the classroom.

If you missed the storytelling workshops and would like a bespoke visit from Tees Valley Music Service, 

please get in touch at



Create & Sing in your classroom. Put our teaching resources into practice. The buttons below will take you to the official Royal Opera House learning platform (free to sign up) or our adapted resources for whole-class instrumental tuition or singing tutorials designed to give further assistance with The Magic Flute material. Please feel free to use both sets of resources alongside each other! 

royal opera house resources
tees valley music resources






PA... PA... PA...




You might perform the material in school to peers in different year groups/classes; you may stage a performance for parents/governors; and/or you may wish to join us for a big sharing in June where we bring pupils together from across each local authority area.


However you do so, please keep in touch. We'd love an invite. If we can get the permissions, it would be amazing to document this work digitally - which we can support with. You'll be able to then share this with your wider trusts/LAs and we'll sing your achievements from the rooftops at ROH and TVMS.



TVMS brings together schools across the Tees Valley and Royal Opera House artists in a Snappy Summer "Magic Flute" Big Sing to share your creative achievements with other schools.

Travel subsidies available. 






Arrival From: 9:30am

Rehearsal: 10am until 12pm

Performance: 1pm until 2pm

Clare Tunney

International Opera Singer from Tees Valley

Dominic Barberi

International Opera Singer from Tees Valley


  • Is it aimed at Primary or secondary or both?
    Materials are currently KS1 and KS2 focussed but, given its Mozart - albeit translated into English and in a more suitable key for children - the resources will certainly be usable for KS3+ as well. Some of the resources - especially those adapted by TVMS - will be accessible for EYFS settings too! However, the target is primarily Primary as it ticks almost every box on the Model Music Curriculum in one swoop!


  • How many schools are involved? Which schools?
    Nearly 100 of our teaching colleagues from around 70 schools across 5 local authorities signed up to participate in one way or another - starting with attendance at our CPD sessions. This is the most participants taking part in any Royal Opera House programme! Storytelling workshops were accessed by over 1,000 children from around 40 schools. The final Big Sing events will be accessed by over 1500 children from over 40 schools.

  • Is it open to special schools / alternative provision and home ed?
    "Resource development for SEND settings (with a focus on PMLD settings) is a real focus of this year. The resources are being designed with the Sound of Intent framework at the core, with a route through the new Trinity qual. We won't have assets to support the written resource until later in the year. " - Royal Opera House

  • Would it be something that it would be possible to do with a choir rather than a class?​
    Yes absolutely. The programme is very adaptive and can be delivered in ways to suit a school's individual needs.  At this stage the best thing to do is sign up for the free CPD so we can ensure you get all the information and training you need. The idea is that, regardless of how you run with the project, there is the option to attend the culminating snappy events in the summer term and/or put on your o
    wn bespoke performance in school.


  • Where do we buy tickets?
    Tickets for the Big Sing events are only available to purchase in advance. Please ensure that all parents/carers know that they will have to purchase their tickets via the website. They can print off their confirmation or simply show it to the staff on the door via their mobile phone. Parents/carers can buy tickets by clicking this link:

  • What should children have with them?
    All pupils must bring with them their own lunch and drinks. To ensure a tidy and safe rehearsal/performance environment, we encourage pupils to bring with them only enough belongings (coats, bags, lunch boxes etc.) to fit beneath a single chair. This will help to keep the gangways clear and ensure a more comfortable space for everyone. If pupils have undertaken any crafting activities related to The Magic Flute - from sock puppets to bird masks, makeshift magic flutes to origami creatures in the woods - they are encouraged to bring these to show them off at the event! Similarly, if pupils need to use lyric sheets for the words - please bring these with you. We will have some spares, but these will be limited.


  • What should children wear?
    This decision is up to each school. As this is an opera, we would of course encourage an element of costume to heighten the drama element of the performance - we know some want to dress up as Magic Flute characters or as creatures from the magical forest, or birds - charmed by Papageno's pan pipes. We also know that, for many reasons, some schools will prefer to come in school uniform. Perhaps you want pupils to wear school uniform, but with a "token" piece of costume. Maybe you simply want them to wear bright, colourful clothing. We don't have any specific requirements.


  • What are the expectations of the children? 
    We really hope that your pupils have enjoyed getting to grips with the 6 songs which are part of the Create & Sing The Magic Flute resources. As always, the resources are easily accessible by clicking here and we hope that rehearsals are going well. If they haven't been able to learn all 6, that's okay. Similarly, if they have only been able to learn bits of each song, that's also fine. The important thing is that they are attempting to tackle the material and getting that initial exposure to opera in a fun and accessible way. The workshop rehearsal on the event day will definitely help to put finishing touches to each song and hopefully give the children the confidence to give everything a go - supported, of course, by Royal Opera House singers and musicians. If you have enveloped the songs within a wider context of learning - perhaps including some movement or drama activities, or learning the songs on ukulele, hand bells, glockenspiel or recorder - please let us know in advance and we can factor in time to show this off as part of the event! We want to showcase as much learning as possible.

  • What are the expected outcomes? 
    Pupils from Reception to Y6 will perform as part of an Opera Chorus with: knowledge of the history and context of opera; an understanding of dramatic singing; an increased awareness of vocal technique; and an ability to make connections and reflect on other performances (and art forms). For your benefit, there is a Curriculum Map which details the overarching large goal of this scheme of work, the smaller steps that need to be addressed to achieve it, and the statutory requirements covered in this scheme of work, covering all the UK national curricula.

Music Performance
ROH CREATE & SING, WILBERFORCE PRIMARY 4.4.19. (HI-RES) - James Bellorini Photography
Sing School
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